Stanford Report


Stanford Report, May 22, 2002
Cardinal Chronicle / weekly campus column


LARRY DAVIDSON BEGAN DISPLAYING HIS artwork on campus diffidently, hanging the abstract paintings he creates on the walls of his office at Event and Labor Services. But ever since he carried a painting in to work on a Saturday and a co-worker convinced him he should share them, his colorful acrylic paintings have been multiplying on the department's walls at 340 Bonair Siding. Visitors can't miss them: "I'm not afraid of size," said Davidson, who formerly taught scenery painting. The 20-plus-year employee also earned an MFA here, so it seems natural that university research would sometimes be reflected in his art. His painting "Sunspots" was inspired by the work of scientists here who produced the first detailed image of the inner core of a sunspot. Davidson, who paints under his middle name, Eldon, will exhibit his work at the Multicultural Springfest staff picnic from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at the Ford Center. "I have not settled on any style, nor do I plan to do so," he said.

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Seld Portrait, circa 1967

Larry Davidson, circa 2008